Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Calgary Goes Without Pay

Here in Calgary we work the 2days, 2nights then 4 off schedule. So that being said last week if my platoon worked Mon, Tues days and Wed, Thurs nights, then this week it would shift over ONE DAY too Tues, Wed days and Thurs, Fri nights. With that being said, for the past MANY years we Calgary firefighters have gotten "predicted" pay at a 84 bi-weekly pay cheque no matter what platoon your on. That way it just evens out in the end, everyone's happy because it’s simple to budget and most of all its... FAIR!

Well Wendy, on April 8th, 2010 the City of Firefighters will not be receiving a pay cheque. The City of Calgary has decided in a 89% vote to make us go to "Actual" pay. As for me, dipping into savings won't be much of an issue. But its people like our rookie who is married, with a small child. I don't think I have ever seen a grown man be as upset as is.

He moved out here from another province, jumped through hoop after hoop after hoop. Gone through one of the hardest Pre-Employment training camps (CFD Boot Camp) and here he is going pay-less. Just thought I would share your storey with him. I do love CFD and my job.

Reply from a poster:

I know the province announced 15,000 lay offs this weekend. The provincial websites say that due to the 2009 budget, very limited hiring will take place. I am guessing that means trouble for the municipalities as well.

However, I don’t understand why there is simply no cheque. Are they trying to retroactively take back whatever might have been the overpayment? I would understand if they simply said that starting April 8th they were going to pay for actual hours worked, but this is odd.

I am sorry for your friend. Calgary recruits have had a hard enough time trying to live on what they were getting in a very expensive city. I feel very badly for all those affected.

Excerpt from the "Recruit Fire Fighter Services" Newsletter