Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two Fire Trucks Collide Injuring 3 In New York

By FireRescue1 Staff

MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. — Two fire trucks collided Monday afternoon, injuring three firefighters in New York.

The City of Middletown and Pocatello Fire Department fire trucks were taken out of commission after being heavily damaged, according to the Time Herald-Record.

Both vehicles had been responding to a call with lights and sirens on at the time of the accident.

The injuries were reportedly not life-threatening.

Photos from the scene show damage to the front of the Pocatello apparatus and damage to the side of the Middletown vehicle.

An investigation into the incident is under way.

My Comments

This only reiterates the value and necessity to properly clear an intersection. Lights and sirens DO NOT grant you the right of way in any situation, especially if there's two of you from other directions, remember, with lights and sirens, you are asking for the right of way, you have to be sure that it's granted before you proceed through an intersection or past a vehicle. Remember, change the cadence 150' prior to the intersection, if it's a stop sign or red light, clear each lane individually so you can BE SURE it's clear. If it's green, slow to a speed you can control the apparatus and continue through still checking the intersection for other emergency vehicles or that one driver who's distracted by the flashing lights and doesn't realize they haven't stopped yet.

Brad MacMillan.

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